When the sovereign spirit within us is true to nature, it stands poised and ready to adjust to every change in circumstances and to seize each new op….
After all the fears, the warnings, after all, a woman's mistakes are different from a girl's. They are written by fire on stone. They are a trait and….
As to those who hoard gold and silver and spend it not in God's path, give them, then, the tidings of a painful agony: on a day when these things sha….
Ahimsa is an attribute of the brave. Cowardice and ahimsa don't go together any more that water and fire..
A cannon fires only once but words detonate across centuries.
I don't pull, I just receive..
If this was a sandalwood pyre she would have thrown herself in and this paper she'd become would have caught fire and she and him could sail away lik….
A soul is forged in the fires of adversity, not comfort..
Now we are intimately locked together. You get swine flu in Mexico; it’s a problem for Charles de Gaulle Airport 24 hours later. Lehman Brothers goes….
And for adults, the world of fantasy books returns to us the great words of power which, in order to be tamed, we have excised from our adult vocabul….
In the spring or summer, I like going to the Hamptons or Fire Island. Anywhere I can hear waves, I'm there..
Friendship, on the other hand, serves a great host of different purposes all at the same time. In whatever direction you turn, it still remains yours….
A visual experience is vitalizing. Whereas to write great poetry, to draw continuously on one's inner life, is not merely exhausting, it is to keep a….
As fire when thrown into water is cooled down and put out, so also a false accusation when brought against a man of the purest and holiest character,….
I was like any new bride, who said, 'I'm going to cook for my man.' In fact, once I started a small kitchen fire in a pan. Smoke was pouring from the….
Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master. Experience has taught us that i….
Don't let the urgent take the place of the important in your life... When you and I were putting out the fires of the urgent, the important was again….
I have tried to write stories that go into the underworld of myth and bring out life and fire — where the old world looked at a woman alone and immor….
As a breath on glass, - As witch-fires that burn, The gods and monsters pass, Are dust, and return. (“The Face of the Skies”).
A movie is made for an audience and a film is made for both the audience and the film-makers. I think that The Game is a movie and I think Fight Club….
Fire consumes, but cold preserves..