We'll show the fire how to burn..
Remember when the music Came from wooden boxes strung with silver wire And as we sang the words, it would set our minds on fire, For we believed in t….
Nothing smelled so good or danced so well as a birch fire..
I'm not one for Sudoku or crosswords - the thing that fires my little brain is doing tour budgets..
The heart is an organ of fire and you can't stop it from feeling or connecting..
Whoever kindles the flames of intolerance in America is lighting a fire underneath his own home..
For over five years this man [Winston Churchill] has been chasing around Europe like a madman in search of something he could set on fire. Unfortunat….
No mere human can stand in a fire and not be consumed..
Eloquence may set fire to reason..
So comes snow after fire, and even dragons have their endings..
We learn from every natural disaster. Whether it's a fire or a flood, we learn something from it so we can respond to the next one better..
Government is like fire. If it is kept within bounds and under the control of the people, it contributes to the welfare of all. But if it gets out of….
I wanted to learn a little bit about acting, not because I thought I'd find a star vehicle and set the world on fire, but I thought the discipline of….
We all fear loneliness, madness, dying. Shakespeare and Walt Whitman, Leopardi and Hart Crane will not cure those fears. And yet these poets bring us….
The reason why you know more funny dudes than funny chicks is that dudes are funnier than chicks. If my daughter has a mediocre sense of humor, I'm j….
I've done everything. Selling door-to-door fire extinguishers... In bars, I used to repair those machines that have 10 different buttons on them to s….
Name Yellow Wolf comes from life experiences. Yellow is the color of the sun - its power, fire, and hunger. Wolf represents my fierceness and ability….
A double-edged sword One side destroys One releases I am your Gordian knot Will you release or destroy me? Follow truth and you shall: Find me on wat….
There is so much misinformation out there. If you give people even a little bit, it gets blown out of proportion then you have to go put out fires. S….
Ice burns, and it is hard to the warm-skinned to distinguish one sensation, fire, from the other, frost..
Musicals are good times. I live to do a musical, there's nothing like it, no experience like that in the movie business. You don't get to pull all th….