The disciplined are free..
Become a documentarian of what you do..
We actors don't travel as tourists with a camera, we really get to enter the life of a place and get to know it..
My health is very much improved..
Freebase? What's free about it?.
I like to do things that I develop from the ground up..
That's what was great about him. He tried. Not many do..
The asp doth on his feeder feed..
Everyone loves to fly and flying underwater is even better than flying in air because there are things around you..
The image is an image..
Don't take it so seriously..
I have not been a success, and probably never will be..
What always was must always be..
Never let the things money can buy, rob you of the things money can't buy..
My marriage has worked because I am not around much..
I'm open to working anywhere, but not on anything..
Learned or unlearned we all must be scribbling..
How can you live in the Northeast?.
I don't go where I'm tolerated. I go where I'm celebrated..
I like to do something I fear..
We cannot enslave others without enslaving a part of ourselves..