I find virtue to be found amongst the farmers of the country alone, not about courts, where courtiers dwell..
Wisdom at times is found in folly..
The true preacher does not seek for truth in the pulpit; he is there because he has found it..
I found myself compelled, like this weird, shameful compulsion to draw cute animals..
The Dhamma has to be found by looking into your own heart and seeing that which is true and that which is not, that which is balanced and that which ….
My children, to the extent that they have found religion, have found it from me, in that I insist on at least a modicum of religious education for th….
It will always be found that one flourishing institution exists and battens on another mouldering one. The Present itself is parasitic to this extent..
I've taken my fun where I've found it..
The time will come when mankind will begin to get away from the consciousness of needing so many material things. More security and peace will be fou….
I've found psychedelics to be keys to worlds that have always existed, that have to be talked about..
I didn't like fairy tales when I was younger. I found a lot of fairy tales scary. They really didn't sit well with me..
Beauty and Truth, tho' never found, are worthy to be sought..
In justice is all virtues found in sum..
Should I call the FBI and tell them I found DB Cooper?.
You can't find someone who doesn't want to be found..
There are a lot of good stories out there, but I haven't found too many great scripts..
I feel that through my father's music I've found my own voice in my own playing..
Yet, even now, ever time (often) that I find that I don't understand something, then instinctively, I'm filled with the hope that perhaps this will b….
I've found in my life that the parts that you're right for are the parts that you get. It's really usually quite easy because you're kind of right..
I have found that hollow, which even I had relied on for solid..
I became interested in photography when I was sharing a studio with Walker Evans, and found my own sketching was inadequate..