No soul is desolate as long as there is a human being for whom it can feel trust and reverence..
There are many ways of discarding [books]. You can give them to friends,--or enemies,--or to associations or to poor Southern libraries. But the sure….
Agreement in likes and dislikes - this, and this only, is what constitutes true friendship..
Writers seldom choose as friends those self-contained characters who are never in trouble, never unhappy or ill, never make mistakes, and always coun….
Anger is the fluid love bleeds when cut..
I couldn't be more thankful to get my start on a soap opera. It was the hardest job I ever had. Got to practice in front of the camera, like, every d….
I don't know what I would have done so many times in my life if I hadn't had my girlfriends..
He who hath many friends hath none..
Men have sometimes exchanged names with their friends, as if they would signify that in their friend each loved his own soul..
But remember, when it comes to friends, it's not how much time you spend with them, just how you spend it!.
Love takes off masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within..
I don't want everyone to like me; I should think less of myself if some people did..
Only friendship which can stand occasional plain speaking is worth having..
A real friend ... exults in his friends happiness, rejoices in all his joys, and is ready to afford him the best advice..
There's some nights I can't remember with friends I can't forget..
Whether or not we establish freedom rests with ourselves..
No one will ever touch Elvis.
A hug is like a boomerang - you get it back right away..
Friendship arises out of mere Companionship when two or more of the companions discover that they have in common some insight or interest or even tas….
The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed..
Flatterers look like friends, as wolves like dogs..