There is a lure in power. It can get into a man's blood just as gambling and lust for money have been known to do.
Gaming has been resorted to by the affluent as a refuge from ennui. It is a mental dram, and may succeed for a moment; but, like all other stimuli, i….
There is not a single truth of science upon which we ought to bet more than about a million of millions to one..
There is something in people; you might even call it a little bit of a gambling instinct… I tell people investing should be dull. It shouldn't be exc….
Work and acquire, and thou hast chained the wheel of chance..
Shallow men believe in luck..
Do not fold, spindle or mutilate..
I knew a guy who had $5 million and owned his house free and clear. But he wanted to make a bit more money to support his spending, so at the peak of….
The only business in the world bigger than gambling is religion...but gambling is not nearly so corrupt..
I know a baseball star who wouldn't report the theft of his wife's credit cards because the thief spends less than she does..
For although Claudius had been accused of gambling and drunkenness, not only were no worse sins laid to his charge, but he had successfully establish….
Everybody's a filmmaker today..
I am not surprised that there are gambling houses, like so many snares laid for human avarice; like abysses where many a man's money is engulfed and ….
Every conscious act requires risk. Every conscious act requires decision. Put these two facts together and you realize that the secret to life is not….
I haven't had sex in eight months. To be honest, I now prefer to go bowling..
Nothing is so unpredictable as a throw of the dice, and yet every man who plays often will at some time or other make a Venus-cast: now and then he i….
We shall one day learn to supersede politics by education. What we call our root-and-branch reforms of slavery, war, gambling, intemperance, is only ….
A Gentleman is a man who will pay his gambling debts even when he knows he has been cheated..
Gambling operates under the premise that greed can be satisfied by luck..
They head the list of bad to bet on: But I insist they're worse to get on.
I think a lot of people like to gamble, and they don't want to go to the casino to gamble. Sometimes they want to do it in the privacy of their home.….