A comprehended God is no God at all!.
Every game is huge and every game will count when it's all said and done..
Video games are like a religion; you want to get people tattooing your little logo on their body so they’ll get somebody else interested in it too..
When you are truly present, you illuminate everything around you..
I'm rather old-fashioned about this video business. It's all relatively new. We really don't do videos, Fleetwood Mac. We've only done two..
I just feel like I aint never did nothing foul in the game. My ghetto report card has always been straight A's across the board. So I said let me go ….
I was gung-ho, no question about that..
How many times have I created to destroy?.
When God's first in your life and your family's second, the perspective is that the platform as player is for the purpose of lifting up His name and ….
Philosophically, I don't like doing commercials..
Possibilitas tua mensura tua'(What is possible to you is what you will be measured by)..
How can you do anything until you have seen everything,or as much as you can?.
Be less than what you are so that you can become more..
I always sang, I always acted, I always played..
I was hired as a penciler..
Marriage has just never interested me..
We must be sure to be governed by inner principle and not outer pressure..
I don't seek, I find..
I definitely talk about stuff I watch, but it's longer-form stuff..
Everything is deeply intertwingled..
Not everything that’s cool is science, but everything in science is cool..