I was never into candy and games and clowns..
I'm more of a fan of combat games than first-person shooters..
It was the sibling thing, I suppose. I was fascinated by the intricate tangle of love and duty and resentment that tied them together. The glances th….
Chess programs are our enemies, they destroy the romance of chess. They take away the beauty of the game. Everything can be calculated..
Immortals is without doubt the best-looking awful movie you will ever see. Eiko Ishioka's costume designs alone deserve an Oscar nomination. "They we….
Don't be a pawn in somebody's game. Find the attitude which gives you the maximum strength and the maximum dignity, no matter what else is going on.
One may rationally stick to a degenerating research programme until it is overtaken by a rival and even after. What one must not do is to deny its po….
I really do miss playing basketball. I don't play a lot of pick-up games. But I do like using basketball as a form of cross training..
It has been very good here, but the World Cup game was different. It had a different significance to it..
Being in this game if you are gonna sell drugs and make records too then as many records you make is gonna be as many people that know you sell drugs….
The fans of 'The Hunger Games,' of the book, are very passionate. It's funny: Even at my concerts there are people holding up 'Cinna' signs..
My work has always been important to me. The reason I continue to do it is because it's so much fun for me. I love my work and so that's what keeps m….
Growing up in my family meant ambushes on your birthday, crossbows for Christmas, and games of dodge ball where the balls were occasionally rigged to….
But other people also 'invite' us to behave like victims, when they complain about the unfairness of life, for example, and ask us to agree, to offer….
The teachers thought there was something wrong with me because I wouldn’t talk to other kids. I was almost playing mind games with them..
I'm more interested in the games than the people..
Certain guys are like relief pitchers; they come off the bench, they don’t know when they’re playing – you come in and you just go. Certain guys, the….
It's better to have a good player with the basketball in late game situations than to have plays..
It is all very well to say that a man should play for the pure love of the game. Perhaps he ought, but to the working man it is impossible..
The music becomes more pure and soulful when it's true, and it has to be true these days with the way the internet works, and the way the game works,….
True change is a long game, and it remains to be seen if this is change. We've had years before where there have been great years for filmmakers and ….