After that, she wasn't sure what the game was or if she'd imagined it. All she knew was that she had lost..
Games are nature's most beautiful creation.
It hasn't even been competitive. That's the first thing we're going to have to do is just find a way to stay competitive because these (first two gam….
He [Phil Jackson] is such a basketball genius in terms of the details of the game, the little nuances of the game and the rhythm of the game..
I was shooting 45 times a game. What was I supposed to do? Pass it into Chris Mihm & Kwame Brown?.
A forecasting game is a kind of simulation, a kind of scenario, a kind of teleconference, a kind of artifact from the future - and more - that enlist….
City's just a jungle; more games to play Trapped in the heart of it, tryin' to get away I was raised in the country, I been workin' in the town I bee….
Lovers have heartaches That can't be cured by drugs Or sleep, Or games, But only by seeing their beloved..
I am learning to understand rather than immediately judge or to be judged. I cannot blindly follow the crowd and accept their approach. I will not al….
I'm on the Web a lot. I like to play games online. Sometimes I play Sims..
International broadcasters are often dependent on an American home broadcasting network, so it changes the game entirely..
Someone very smart once said to me, "Steal, don't borrow." So if there's anything good in anything anyone else does, it's fair game. I think that eve….
I came to see, in my time at IBM, that culture isn't just one aspect of the game; it is the game..
I don't hide or play stupid games..
But it's also because of something personal. My mother and father met while playing chess, so I've always had a fondness for the game. If it weren't ….
The brilliant thing about baseball is you're never really out of it - things can turn around in this game so quickly..
The Nazis played the same games against Jews that today’s left plays against 'Eurocentrism,' 'whiteness,' and 'logocentrism.' When you hear a campus ….
Even though Raster Blaster was only a video game, I was learning about designing stuff. I got good at drawing..
Late in the third quarter the Cougars were behind 12-0. Duva had completed 5 out of 20 passes. Edwards looked at Gifford Nielsen. Giff had never done….
Just the fact that I'm in the game is great. I'm just blessed to be working. I got a plan, but I'm humble and I try to be humble..
Life is like a tennis game. You can't win without serving..