I think we have muddled the terms of marriage, civil partnership, registry office, church etc. I would have liked that to have been clarified. I didn….
Gay guys know how to craft, and they craft really well. Straight guys, forget it..
I came from a pretty accepting community, and my school had a lot of openly gay and LGBT-plus people. When I joined YouTube, I saw a lot more hostili….
Satan delights in homosexual perversion because it not only exists outside of marriage, but it also defiles God' very image reflected as male and fem….
And of course, Indonesian people are above all scared of being 'different'. Being different here is punished brutally. Different people get mocked, o….
People should be allowed to marry, and gay marriage should be out there. If a man or a woman has a good partner and they love each other with their h….
I was trying to point out I'm not opposed to gays having their partnership. I'm opposed to gays using the term marriage for their relationship..
Over the centuries, and even today, the Bible and Christian theology have helped justify the Crusades, slavery, violence against gays, and the murder….
Another related source of demonization is the homosexual relationship itself. [...] That attachment and communion are indeed inspired, but their sour….
A lot of my girlfriends like baggy oversized stuff and put on menswear already. And I also wanted something that my boyfriends - my gay and straight ….
My dream is to have a gay son..
I feel that most gay men are so much more in touch with a certain kind of sensitivity that heterosexual men aren't allowed to be in touch with, their….
I'm a gay man trapped in a woman's body!.
Gay women are lesbians, and gay men are what? They deserve an identifier, like 'kissboys.'.
I'm pro-gay marriage. I don't believe that that's a sin..
All things die not: while the soul lives, love lives: the song may be now gay, now plaintive, but it is deathless..
Gay marriage won't be more of an issue 25 years from now than interracial marriage is today..
I don't much care who is gay or straight or married or not. I mostly notice if they are brave enough to confront bigotry..
Popular culture does a lot to shape attitudes. You can't compare different communities to each other, but in my lifetime the gay and lesbian communit….
It's interesting that gay men and young women have been the twin engines of the Bettie [Page] cult..
One disco, one soft ball game, one lost love, one gay pride rally at a time..