Once you get away from wanting to get paid, you can actually say some true things..
What is it like to be connected to someone you can never get away from, for better or worse? I love trying to answer that question..
Art is anything you can get away with..
I rather like getting away from fiction..
I thought if Oasis could get away with sounding like The Beatles, I could get away with sounding like Abba..
My mom grew up in the Soviet Bloc, and she was a Tiger Mom. We didn't get away with much..
I have no problem with cheating. Whatever you can get away with..
You can’t get away from yourself, but you can get yourself out of the way..
Anybody who gets away with something will come back to get away with a little bit more..
Every time I see Anthony Hopkins I think that, to some extent, he has just been getting away with it all these years..
Do I exaggerate? Boy, do I, and I'd do it more if I could get away with it..
The enemy is in front of us, the enemy is behind us, the enemy is to the right and to the left of us. They can't get away this time!.
A Clinton presidency is an Obama third term. And it's very difficult for them to get away from it..
If you're going to change things, one of the things we had to change is to get away from that traditional model of rock music, and we were a part of ….
Can't get away from your own self..