There are terrific models for success with reluctant readers, but many school systems and state governments need to set aside their 'not invented her….
There's something unsettling about being continually sold something..
In North America, people get a sense that something is really wrong in government and in our culture. There is a corruption, not only in politics, bu….
Now, a lot of people have given up on government. And if youre one of those people, I would ask that you reconsider, because things are changing. Pol….
I work in L.A. from time to time..
Whenever we attempt to mend the scheme of Providence and to interfere in the Government of the world, we had need be very circumspect lest we do more….
A marriage can go wrong at any time..
We cant do without government, but we do need it to be more effective..
The government doesn't save enough, it borrows too much and it doesn't invest enough in the next generation. It's like what parents are trying to get….
Indeed, the "whole bourgeoisie" on whose behalf the government was acting as its "committee" was a composite of a vast multitude of businessmen appea….
How dare the smooth talkers, the clever official blabbers, open their mouths and boast of progress. . . . Here they hold jubilant peace conferences i….
A Tory government with a decent mandate seems the only hope of tackling the fiscal catastrophe responsibly..
Unless the people, through unified action, arise and take charge of their government, they will find that their government has taken charge of them. ….
In a free society, government reflects the soul of its people. If people want change at the top, they will have to live in different ways. Our major ….
In fact, it is often times a detriment for the Government to preemptively legislate on an issue before we can either define it or grasp its impact..
I wonder if you are ashamed of calling a Democratically elected government a fascist government..
Living standards in both the public and private sector have to be brought down. The private sector has to sell more abroad and consume less at home. ….
I have more government than I want, more government than I need, more government than I can afford..
The aim of constitutional government is to preserve the Republic; that of revolutionary government is to lay its foundation..
I think that you hear more opposition to the government in Venezuela than you would here in the United States. That's in the TV, in the radio and in ….
The American people want to know that when they borrow a book from the library or buy a book, the government won't be looking over their shoulder. Ev….