Despite failing to get bin Laden, the U.S. government and media portrayed the early Afghanistan war as a great victory..
Corporations care very much about maintaining the myth that government is necessarily ineffective, except when it is spending money on the military-i….
Maintain yourself and everything maintains itself around you..
Governments must take on the central role of creating an investment climate across Africa that supports enterprise and the role of the private sector….
We continue to see undeniable evidence that abuse and torture has been widespread and systematic, yet high-level government officials have not been h….
If we say, 'The government sucks,' we're kind of saying that we suck..
Under the current U.S. policy, because of this power struggle, American oil companies can't do business with Iran. So I think the ultimate goal of th….
Bashar Assad clearly doesn't want to hear anything that impugns his government..
We supported the cooperative movement among farmers. The movement was still young and stubbornly opposed to the commercial distributors. I believed i….
We saw, then, journalists and researchers being arrested. And so this is sort of the latest expansion they say - cultural targets where young people ….
You instinctively like what you can't do..
We were not talking about the average white person: we was talking about the corporate money rich and the racist jive politicians and the lackeys, as….
Democracy in Iraq will be an example that the Arab population will look to with great interest. And some Arab governments are concerned about democra….
Marriage partners, not government, should define the terms and spiritual orientation of their union in accordance with our nation's guarantee of reli….
...the prominent Egyptian government minister, university professor, and writer Taha Hussein...devoted himself to the study of pre-Islamic Arabian po….
Failure is part of success..
I think the Supreme Court has, as an equal branch of government, the ability to overrule Congress and the president. But I also feel it's the role of….
If people in America would get their finances together and start taking care of each other, we could put the government out of business..
What keeps India safe really is the heroism of millions of poor Indians who every day reject the allure of terrorism. What keeps India safe is just t….
The Saylor Foundation is meant to be a gadfly to encourage Google, Apple, MIT, Harvard, the United States government, and the Chinese government to a….
But you don't have your druthers in life, do you?.