If grace is an ocean, we're all sinking..
Vaisey looked like a startled earwig..
Turn on the dream you lived through the unwavering gaze. It is as you thought: the living burn. In the floating days may you discover grace..
I prefer true over happy now..
Nothing can come out of nothing, any more than a thing can go back to nothing..
It's not as if grace did one half of the work and free choice the other; each does the whole work, in its own peculiar contribution. Grace does the w….
Give voluntarily. When we catch a vision of God's grace, we will give beyond our duty..
GRACE: All you can do is take it..
The greatest grace of a gift, perhaps, is that it anticipates and admits of no return..
There will always be in society certain persons who are mercuries of its approbation, and whose glance will at any time determinefor the curious thei….
Oh what people of God we ought to be; and grace can make us so!.
I don't know who it is who lives or dies, who rests or wakes, but it is your heart that distributes all the graces of the daybreak in my breast..
Grace is not something outside or you.. In fact, your very desire for grace is due to grace that is already working in you..
Grace means you're in a different universe from where you had been stuck, when you had absolutely no way to get there on your own..
If you don't know you're in a state of grace, then you're vulnerable to the paralysis of the accusations of the enemy..
"Come on Grace, I'm not going to tell on you. I'm your sister." And that's all she has to say..
When we learn to focus on love, grace, and gratitude, life is really quite lovely..
I would say my sense of adventure outweighs my grace..
We have messed-up lives, but we’re good people and we have grace. And even though we don’t have to do good for God to love us, I want to do good for ….
Grace cannot wipe out the law of sewing and reaping..
The true wisdom is to be always seasonable, and to change with a good grace in changing circumstances..