Appreciation is the highest form of prayer, for it acknowledges the presence of good wherever you shine the light of your thankful thoughts..
Gratitude is not a virtue I believe in, and to me it seems hypocritical to expect it from a child..
Gratitude, like faith, is a muscle. The more you use it, the stronger it grows..
Whatever you do, do not feel sorry for yourself - things could always be worse and they are for someone else!.
Appreciation empowers not just money transactions, but all interactions. Gratitude is one of the greatest meditations of a lifetime, the fastest atti….
No life is so hard that you can't make it easier by the way you take it for example by seeing it how it could be worse and then being grateful it isn….
Look beneath the surface; let not the several quality of a thing nor its worth escape thee..
To find gratitude and generosity when you could reasonably find hurt and resentment will surprise you. It will be so surprising because you will see ….
God asks that we give thanks to Him for whatever blessings we receive from Him. It is easy for us to become mechanical in our prayers of gratitude, o….
We should learn, by reflecting on the misfortunes which have attended others, that there is nothing singular in those which befall ourselves. [They h….
When one is altering the face of the universe one cannot remember small helpful acts..
Gratitude is thankfulness expressed in action..
Gratitude is a quality similar to electricity: it must be produced and discharged and used up in order to exist at all..
All of my cats are adopted and all show their gratitude on a daily basis. I don't know where I would be without them..
The law demands good works and uses its terror--rejection, shame, fear of punishment, unanswered prayer, personal tragedy, etc.--as motivation. Here ….
Happy is the man who loves the woods and waters, Brother to the grass and well beloved of Pan; The earth shall be his, and all her laughing daugh….
Yeah," I said, "but you're an artist. You don't believe in decency and honesty and gratitude. Where shall we eat?.
Gratitude is like a magnet; the more grateful you are, the more you will receive to be grateful for..
But it seemed to me that this was the way we all lived: full to the brim with gratitude and joy one day, wrecked on the rocks the next. Finding the b….
I am convinced that there is no simple formula or technique that I could give you or that you could give your students that would immediately facilit….
Ingratitude is the essence of vileness..