I do what I have to do," I say. I do what I have to do to save him. I do what I have to do to save Todd..
Live close, visit often..
I am no I. I am now part of a we..
Presuasion is what you say immediately before you deliver your message that leverages your success tremendously..
Love cannot be described. It must be tasted..
You can put anything into words, except your own life..
Even though at 17 it was limited, I had a life before Batman..
To have what few have, do what few do..
Success is never deserved. Success is always earned..
The love of power excludes all others..
It was as close as I had ever come to having power over someone, and I equated it with love..
I am often criticised for being rather accessible..
Turning toward what you deeply love saves you.
Someone else's success is not your failure..
All great spirituality is about what we do with our pain..
I do to others what they do to me, only worse..
Some of the routines come back very easily. We do it off the top of our heads..
Nothing that can be, can come between me and the full prospect of my hopes..
God is good and I am always loved..
You're not going to learn how to do it until you do it..
I don't join or leave things lightly..