No one notices I'm breaking inside..
[G]lobal warming, that manufactured monomania..
When you start somewhere, you've started..
A single conversation can change things..
I did not create my life, so I have no right to negate my life..
When history calls, history calls..
Start small and with your own money..
I have never painted a recent picture..
Money is just something to be circulated..
I love to sing, so I just figured that I was going to sing or something..
I cannot pretend i am not without fear..
A woman who is loved always has success..
I've never tried to be something I'm not..
We must engage in a whole-of-government approach to combat Russian active measures..
To me death is better than the defensive..
I would love to work with Reese Witherspoon..
Some sorts of truth are truer than others..
Every living being seeks instinctively to complete itself..
Success comes from what you do, not from what you say you are going to do..
I won't be happy unless I finish Lyoto Machida..
Unless you go forward then you are going back..