Here's to Never Growing up.
If the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, then growing in our knowledge of God is always practical..
You have to have something to put your work in otherwise it's not valid.
Continue to reinvent. Keep things moving and changing and growing and always a little bit out of reach..
If I waited long enough and said, "Okay, so what you're saying is you liked your life a lot better when you were 30?" everybody would get real quiet ….
Its not about the goal. Its about growing to become the person that can accomplish that goal..
Because we are continually growing in the Lord, preachers and lay people alike must be open to the Lord's correction..
The E.U. is the world's fastest growing democratic body..
A tree is such a rich metaphor in a million beautiful ways. You can consider a tree growing and consider its connectedness to all things above and un….
The gap between the rich and the poor cannot keep growing without nothing being done about it..
Photography's future is infinite and bright. It's growing exponentially, so that's great, but for me as a practitioner, that exponential growth makes….
Ask yourself, 'Why am I seeing and feeling this? How am I growing? What am I learning?' Remember: Every coincidence is potentially meaningful..
Growing older is mandatory, but growing up is optional..
I am trying to keep growing and improving as a writer..
We should show Washington how we do it in North Dakota. I'm running to stop the over-regulating of our economy and start growing it..
I think everyone keeps on growing. I've grown about 0.0000001 mm?.
I try to be like a forest: revitalizing and constantly growing..
It's cool not growing old. I like being the eternal stud..
I think, certainly in the more civilized societies, women's roles are growing in power all of the time..
I've lived my life again just telling it to you..
I think that the ability of people to accept new things is growing, and that's good for all of us..