He will be our comfort and solace, our guide and counselor, our salvation and exaltation, for "there is none other name under heaven given among men,….
The sun as the expression of old world energy is torn down from the heavens by modern man, who by virtue of his technological superiority creates his….
A converted man will not wish to go to heaven alone.
The Bible is not primarily a science book. It is not written to tell us how the heavens go; it is written to tell us how to go to heaven. But when it….
What could an unsanctified man do in Heaven, if by any chance he got there? Let that question be fairly looked in the face and fairly answered. No ma….
O Luxury! thou curst by Heaven's decree!.
Even if heaven were real, and measured as Revelation says, so many cubits this wayand that, how gimcrack a place it would be, crammed with its paveme….
The kingdom of heaven is like electricity. You don't see it. It is within you..
To say that New York came up to its advance billing would be the baldest of understatements. Being there was like being in heaven without going to al….
Earth is a in-between world touched by both Heaven and Hell. Earth leads directly into Heaven or directly into Hell, affording a choice between the t….
In one of his last appearances, Mitterrand, the agnostic president, was asked what the real God might say to him if he went to heaven. God would say:….
Filial obedience is the first and greatest requisite of a state; by this we become good subjects to our emperors, capable of behaving with just subor….
By the skillful and sustained use of propaganda, one can make a people see even heaven as hell or an extremely wretched life as paradise..
Those who vote for the ANC will be blessed on earth and heaven.
People will never set their faces decidedly towards heaven, and live like pilgrims, until they really feel that they are in danger of hell..
Hell trembles at a heaven-directed eye..
Happiness or misfortune are prescribed by law of Heaven, but their source comes from ourselves..
If there's a heaven upon the earth, a fellow knows it when He's been away from home a week, and then gets back again..
Hope can see heaven through the thickest clouds..
He who lays up treasures in heaven looks forward to eternity.
In Heaven all reviews will be favorable; here on earth, the publisher realizes, plausibility demands an occasional bad one, some convincing lump in a….