If you've got a stick hitting a drum and you're programming it on a computer, it's so much more interesting than a sample playing back - it's somethi….
When you're talking to a person about something they want to talk about then it takes that frown to a smile and then it makes the interview pleasant ….
I am convinced that in my own career I could usually have hit 30 points higher if I had made a specialty of hitting..
I deliberately keep myself apart from a lot of stuff; I don't Tweet, I don't do Facebook, I don't blog, and that's largely because I spend my working….
Hitting at the top of the order is a good thing. You get more at-bats. I'm excited to see how this develops..
I started hitting the ball a lot better a few weeks ago, and just the putter wasn't working. And putting a new putter in the bag last week, it just h….
Wasn’t hitting bottom the thing you had to do to knock some sense into yourself? Wasn’t hitting bottom the thing that showed you which way was up?.
If the primary ends up being a hard hitting, bloody battle, well so be it. Let's get ready for the general election.
I'm trying to entice people, and sometimes my information is very hard hitting. So I've always wanted to have a soft approach..
My dad is my hitting coach. When I need help, I go to him..
But when I thought I hit bottom, it started hitting back..
Hitting a ball dead perfect - the only peace..
The one unbreakable rule about hitting is this: if a batter hits well with his own particular stance and swing, think twice - or more - before sugges….
I could field as long as I can remember, but hitting has been a struggle all my life..
This has been a great experience for me. The first couple of days you don't always feel too well. You adjust to the fluid shifting, how to fly throug….
Some batters, and good ones too, scoff at the whole theory of place hitting, calling it a myth. They are wrong, however..
I don't ever really notice when guys are hitting on me. I'm oblivious..
It seems a little self-involved to be like, 'Oh, he's hitting on me.' Maybe he's just trying to start up an innocent conversation..
When I'm not hitting, I don't hit nobody. But, when I'm hitting, I hit anybody..
I had this feeling that he and I , in this moment, were a car crash, and instead of putting on the brakes, I was hitting the accelerator..
Comedy is the ultimate truth. Jazz is hitting the notes that that no one else would hit, and comedy is saying words that no one else would say..