Better to be screwed physically than financially..
It's in the public domain. That's one of the reasons I do it so much. But luckily, it's a brilliant film [ Night Of The Living Dead]. Every horror af….
There was a time when He was not..
I don't like PG-13 horror movies. I think they're a contradiction in terms..
What can I tell you about things like Circus of Horrors except that I get killed by the bear?.
Faith is agreeing with God and saying what He says about you..
There are horrors beyond life's edge that we do not suspect, and once in a while man's evil prying calls them just within our range..
I have learned what must be, and therefore have come to see the whole horror of what is..
Donald Trump is temperamentally unfit..
I'm surprised there aren't more celebrities in burkhas..
History is always repeating itself, but each time the price goes up..
Ontogeny re-capitulates phylogeny..
A text is evolutionary by its very nature..
We are not going to let Donald Trump bankrupt America the way he bankrupted his casinos..
Part of a horror movie has to be a bit fakey for me to really enjoy it. The new ones are so realistic that they distract me from the ride through the….
Horror in your country is something you take a dose of to remind yourself that you are not suffering from it..
The cowboy movies is not our go-to programmer anymore, here's a horror film..
When I was a kid I was really into horror films. I watched every single horror film that came out in the 80s..
Horror films have been with us forever, so you can't say I originated that in any way, but it sort of brought back a classical way to make a horror f….
I liked the place I came from. But a lot of what I liked about it was that I had come from there..
The beauty of being an actor in a horror film is that you know what to expect and what's coming..