It's incredibly hard to program a network from scratch for 24 hours..
Do not allow watching food to replace making food..
Entrance into Heaven is not at the hour of death, but at the moment of conversion..
Why is it better to love than be loved? It is surer..
I'm from such an old family, it's been condemned..
Thank ye." “For what?" “For bein’ who ye are." Gabby chuckled and shook her head, saying, “And who else could I be?.
You do what you do out of your private love of the thing itself..
Pretend to be making something until you actually make something..
Not everything that’s cool is science, but everything in science is cool..
When I got depressed, I watched Bruce Lee movies. I learned everything from Bruce Lee..
We live in a society where everything's packaged..
Whatever, the hour you run often is the best hour of the day..
You can only get outside yourself by looking inside..
I have never voted in my life..
Travel definitely affects me as a writer..
Do not be afraid of no, Who has so far, so very far to go..
Maybe that's what I've based my career on: getting up earlier than everyone else so I get an extra couple of hours..
I'm going to do things when they are right for me..
What you see is so much less than what you get..
There are half hours that dilate to the importance of centuries..
Whatever power I exert is collegial..