There are things I could say. But I don't..
What comes will also go. What always is will alone remain..
Nobody will listen to you unless they sense that you like them..
The TV show. Any time you're playing, this is the gift, you get to play someone else. You get to be someone who you're not..
Love what you have and you'll have more love..
Needing something is not the same thing as being interested in the thing itself..
Be classy. Anything but trashy..
A woman only can understand a woman..
After all, we are nothing more or less than we choose to reveal..
You have to be emotionally attached to what you are doing..
But as you say in English, c'est la vie!.
You gotta love and learn and learn to live..
It's always better to be underdressed..
I have so much respect for what's funny..
They can only kill us once..
Stop shoulding on yourself.
You're a writer. Make it up..
It's where we go, and what we do when we get there, that tells us who we really are..
I'm a husband and a dad. Two thirds of my day is spent being that character. It's a huge part of my identity and why I pursue things I do. I'm intere….
I'm a husband and a dad. Two thirds of my day is spent being that character. It's a huge part of my identity and why I pursue things I do..
If you're in something and you feel like it's not going well, what can you do about that? It's out of your hands. No matter what you do, you're not g….