A husband should always try to treat his wife with the greatest courtesy and respect, holding her in the highest esteem. He should speak to her in a ….
I'm not the one who was elected." Although she disagreed with her husband on "a lot of issues," she emphasized, "I would never do anything to undermi….
I would never do anything to undermine my husband's point of view..
A husband and wife may be divorced and go out of the presence and beyond the reach of each other, but the different parts of our country can not do t….
I don't sit around thinking that I'd like to have another husband; only another man would make me think that way..
People are always like, Why did you and husband Carey Hart get back together? Well, we weren't done. And now we have Willow, so we'll never be done..
I'm kind of lazy. I like to lie around with my husband and watch TV and stuff like that..
Don't waste your singleness. I think we spend a lot of time griping about how we're single, and we spend a lot of time and energy being angry about t….
If you are married and you go off and have an affair with someone, if you are a husband who does that, it may potentially hurt your wife enormously. ….
A survey asked married women when they most want to have sex. 84 per cent of them said right after their husband is finished..
Somehow we've even developed the notion that a woman who seeks to meet her husband's needs is subservient (but a husband who fails to meet his wife's….
I brought home a baby without telling [husband John McCain], and he not only took it in stride but loved it, immediately embracing Bridget, who share….
My husband's the first one to say, "This is not the end of the world." We're doing what we want to do - what we have chosen to do - and we know the r….
I have the greatest husband. The baby is my main focus right now. We're both so excited. I mean, this is definitely the happiest moment in my life..
Her mind was present because she was always gone. Her hands were filled because they grasped the meaning of empty. Life was simple. Her husband retur….
I'm a lot more self-confident than I used to be. To some extent I owe that to my children and my husband..
Daisy has a unique spirit. A warm and romantic nature. If she is forced into a loveless marriage, she will be devastated. She deserves a husband who ….
Some people are cool with the fact that their bodies bear witness to this great thing they produced, their children, and I understand that. But on a ….
[On going into politics:] My husband went to bed with Debbie Reynolds and he woke up with Eleanor Roosevelt..
Oh thank you, Jesus." "It's Roarke." He tapped a finger on Eve's head. "You really shouldn't forget your own husband's name..
Your responsibility as a father and a husband transcends any other interest in life..