Actually in the moment in which the idea has life, when it's listened to read, engaged with, acted on stage, it gains another dimension, it becomes t….
I was just infused with ideas and I would dream about it and wake up and go, "Oh, I have another idea about Walter White." It was so well written. An….
The world of ideas is not revealed to us in one stroke; we must both permanently and unceasingly recreate it in our consciousness..
Philadelphia, the foundation of freedom, liberty and democracy, I still believe in the idea of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness..
See all these buildings, Russell? All these buildings were once a drawing on a piece of paper, and before that they were an idea in someone’s head. A….
Believing there's no God stops me from being solipsistic. I can read ideas from all different people from all different cultures. Without God, we can….
I get total creative control when I'm in the studio now to do what I want to do. If I feel like doing a song I'll do a song. The buzz has been great,….
Before I traveled my road I was my road..
The French Revolution gave us three... powerful ideas, or concepts - liberty, equality and fraternity. But these ideas... are not only right in thems….
I am excessively diverted..
I love the idea that somebody is going to compare me to my character or think that I am like my character when they see me. I feel like that is a rol….
Believe me; all evil comes from the old. They grow fat on ideas and young men die of them..
We can learn that reward comes in creation and re-creation, no just in the consumption of the world around us. Active participation in the process of….
I am proud to work with the fossil fuel industry. I think it has historically done a horrible job of educating the public and I think my ideas will h….
[The Center for Industrial Progress'] model allows us to keep conflicts of interest to an absolute minimum as we do our research and writing. As for ….
We taped all this and then got it transcribed and picked the best lines or ideas or ways to take a scene. I've done that many times, and it can impro….
ideas are never scarce; it is only one's panic sense of limitation that blocks the way..
The intellectual is engage-he is pledged, committed, enlisted. What everyone else is willing to admit, namely that ideas and abstractions are of sign….
The idea of the paranoid style as a force in politics would have little contemporary relevance or historical value if it were applied only to men wit….
This is how we are protecting you, by getting you out..
The space between the idea of something and its reality is always wide and deep and dark. The longer they are kept apart—idea of thing, reality of th….