I had a little bit of resistance to the idea of taking energy away from my work, and the baby comes along and, lo and behold, that's exactly what hap….
I think the policy makers like the idea of being the boss. I mean people who like to boss other people around like to go into politics so they can be….
If people had understood how patents would be granted when most of today's ideas were invented, and had taken out patents, the industry would be at a….
The chief enemy of peace is the spirit of unreason itself: an inability to conceive alternatives, an unwillingness to reconsider old prejudices, to p….
Over the years I have discovered that ideas come through an intense desire for them; continually desiring, the mind becomes a watchtower on the looko….
I went to America with a very specific idea of what I wanted to do..
I am not going to make promises I can't keep. I am not going to talk about big ideas like single-payer and then not level with people about how much ….
The primitive thinking of the supernaturally inclined amounts to what his psychiatric colleagues call a problem, or an idea, of reference. An excess ….
I just wondered where you —” Ron broke off, shrugging. “Nothing. I’m going back to bed.” “Just thought you’d come nosing around, did you?” Harry shou….
I don't think the idea of working in Hollywood really exists anymore. I think you work in films, and where the film is shot is where it's shot. The s….
Wisdom is looking back at your life and realising that every single event, person, place and idea was part of the perfected experience you needed to ….
There are many examples of this mistaken idea of freedom, such as the elimination of human life by legalized or generally accepted abortion..
The idea that we can take this lump of clay and mold it into a form of our choosing is absolutely ludicrous..
Many of our ideas and beliefs about ourselves and the world are so deeply ingrained that we are unaware that they are beliefs and take them, without ….
The idea of morphology of languages is something that I'm really interested in..
Never underestimate the value of an idea. Every positive idea has within its potential for success if it is managed properly..
Marriages had different meanings back then than they do now, they were used to cement agreements between families, business deals and things like tha….
My idea of quality is my own idea of quality. What I do and what I want to do next is my business. The next thing I fall in love with might be what y….
They enjoy giving form to ideas. If designers were made of ideas, they'd be their own clients..
I just think it's better to have ideas. I mean, you can change an idea. Changing a belief is trickier, people die for them, people kill for them..
I just sat there looking at television, sort of dumb and thought how horrible it was. I had -- the grand aspects of it did not occur to me -- I had n….