All thoughts that mold the age begin deep down within the primitive soul..
In the managerial organization, the top people sit in judgment; in the innovative organization it is their job to encourage ideas, no matter how unri….
In the advertising business, a good idea can inspire a great commercial. But a good insight can fuel a thousand ideas, a thousand commercials..
Ideas have consequences..
Of course we still want to know you!" Harry said, staring at Hagrid. "You don't think anything that Skeeter cow - sorry, Professor," he added quickly….
I’m lucky to have the kind of life where the differentiation between work and play is absolutely zilch. I have no idea whether I’m working or whether….
I think what's dangerous is the idea that someone can wash away your sins..
My idea of a perfect pet is a really, really big dog! Huge!.
Whatever happens, happens. I can't give you a prediction because Jim (Irsay) and I will sit down at some point and he'll get a feel for where I am an….
I like the idea of politically charged music a lot, but it usually seems to be preaching to the choir and ineffective..
I could buy myself paper, a pen, a pencil and a brush and could create pictures whenever and wherever I wanted. ... That evening, in the spring of 19….
The key ingredient of politics is the idea that all of society's ills can be cured politically. It's like a cookbook where the recipe for everything ….
The idea of a young thin woman who weighs 100 pounds driving herself around in a 4,000 pound SUV is laughable..
That's the power of great insights. Insights, not ideas. There's a difference. Ideas, valuable though they may be, are a dime a dozen in business. In….
The strength of comedy is I don't have to answer to anybody but sometimes you want to learn from other people and see your ideas strengthen by other ….
Many adults, whether consciously or unconsciously, find it beneath their adult dignity to do anything as childish as read a book, think a thought, or….
Now the idea in the movie world is to make things the same. And in the TV world, the idea is to do something different, so... that's why I'm here!.
A sold-out house my first night back. Do you have any idea what kinda pressure that is? I could have been at home in my warm bed, playing Nintendo..
You'll always get an idea if you think and don't panic..
Dress is the great business of all women, and the fixed idea of some..
I see people as the nucleus of a great idea that hasn't come to be yet..