When we see the world through our thoughts, we stop experiencing life as it really is and others as they really are. When I have a thought about you,….
For the current of our spiritual life creeds, rituals and channels that may thwart or help, according to their fixity or openness. When a symbol or s….
When I did the album for 'When Harry Met Sally,' I found myself out there in front of this big band, which I had no idea how to do, and they wiped th….
The idea's the idea: It's about what you do, and not who you are..
This idea of compassion comes to us because we're made in the image of God, who is ultimately the compassionate one..
Some of the inspirations I had as far as following that story would be, like, say, "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly," the way they use the Civil War i….
How do popular attitudes get formed? Do the movies just reflect it or inform it? Where does this particular idea come from? I don't know if I can say….
Let go of all ideas and images in your mind, they come and go and aren’t even generated by you. So why pay so much attention to your imagination when….
We shouldn't censor ourselves based on the weak idea of "looking cool." It's such a waste of potential awesomeness..
To make up a dance, I still need, as I needed then, a pot of tea, walking space, privacy and an idea..
Thought is the property of him who can entertain it, and of him who can adequately place it..
Do not live someone else's life and someone else's idea of what womanhood is. Womanhood is you. Womanhood is everything that's inside of you..
In short, I'm pretty suspicious of the idea that there's a real and true and authentic world, and then a bunch of false ones..
I wake you up and as I stare in your face, you seem stunned. Remember me? The one you got your idea from?.
Kant was probably the worst writer ever heard of on earth before Karl Marx. Some of his ideas were really quite simple, but he always managed to make….
Once you get rid of the idea that you must please other people before you please yourself, and you begin to follow your own instincts - only then can….
If you find an idea without form, please let me know because I would love to take a picture of it..
I never really liked the idea of doing mixtapes but at the same time it was a big thing a lot of people were doing it and it almost got to the point ….
Not everybody is comfortable with my ethnicity. When I first came along in the business, they didnt really like the idea of my name being Raquel..
I've refined my mechanics, refined my pitches. I've gotten more confidence, and I've gotten more determination. I've got a better idea what I'm doing….
Often an idea has impact far larger than the person who originated it..