Photographs are not ideas. They give us ideas..
It will help erase the idea that politics is a second-rate profession and a dirty business..
For Bryan [Cranston ] to go back in time and become this larger-than-life and somewhat theatrical guy, who performed his ideas and rhetoric in public….
The Platonic world of ideas corresponds to Thinking and Sensation on the mystical level..
That's why I don't rehearse a lot and why I shoot a lot immediately. I have ideas of where I'd like to take the character, but we both end up going t….
I can't say that I was my happiest on court, but I felt completely free. Free from family obligations, free from my own torment. In a real sense I wa….
I find crowdfunding to be one of the most ethical ways to continue doing the work that we do because the idea is that I want my videos to be free and….
England was killed by an idea: the idea that the weak, indolent and profligate must be supported by the strong, industrious, and frugal – to the degr….
The finest imagination in the world could not have conceived of a better idea than the philosophers' stone to inspire the minds and faculties of men.….
One either imposes one's ideas or one is imposed on..
It is a matter of fact; I approached without a preconceived idea, too ready to declare, if the experiment had imposed upon me the confession, that th….
This idea of having back-up plans is ingrained into us to make us believe that that's the smart thing to do..
Color, in the outward world, answers to feeling in man; shape, to thought; motion, to will. The dawn of day is the nearest outward likeness of an act….
A camera has interesting ideas of its own..
The idea to make hotel reviews the form of the novel came first. So I just started writing hotel reviews and tried to come up with a consistent voice..
The attempt to suppress an idea has always and everywhere proved a failure..
When you feel pure intelligence flowing into you, it may give you sudden strokes of ideas, so that by noticing it, you may find it fulfilled the same….
My mom was a social worker. I had a pretty good idea of what the authorities can do when a parent's not around..
Many nights, I longed for home. But it occurred to me as I struggled for a feeling of comfort and safety: I have no idea where home is..
Attraction is beyond our will or ideas sometimes..
To me, true prosperity begins with feeling good about yourself. It is also the freedom to do what you want to do, when you want to do it. It is never….