Become a documentarian of what you do..
A woman never sees what we do for her, she only sees what we don't do..
No part of your experience is wasted. Everything you've experienced so far is part of what you were meant to learn..
Life's the longest picture you're ever gonna take..
You take advantage of your position as a famous actor to meet women..
There is time in life for everything..
It starts with being unearthed. I like that word, unearthed, because we are being unearthed..
Money doesn't exist because I don't recognize it..
How small a thought it takes to fill a life..
Dovie'andi se tovya sagain!.
I intend that I am learning from my experiences so that I am only repeating the ones that bring me happiness..
How I like to be liked, and what I do to be liked!.
We is always so much better than I..
Nothing can come out of nothing, any more than a thing can go back to nothing..
If you cast your supporting cast well, it should be seamless. You shouldn't even notice who's a big part and who's a small part. A good cast enriches….
I worked as hard as I could. I was always the first one on the ice, and the last one off..
Geoff Bartley is great and always will be..
Listen to presences inside poems..
I don't see myself as ever being like anybody else..
Don't idolize me, idolize yourself..
More of me comes out when I improvise..