I even watched Mulholland Drive in French... it didn't make much more sense in French, but I have to say, it didn't make any less sense either..
Not much happens in Russian Federation without Vladimir Putin..
Only the fittest will survive..
If we could see ourselves as others see us, we would vanish on the spot..
I would never kill somebody, unless they pissed me off..
If you do just one thing to change the world, go organic..
Even if I don't finish, we need others to continue. It's got to keep going..
What we are not changing, we are choosing..
Happiness is something you get from yourself. If you're completely satisfied with yourself, nobody can take it away from you..
I never have anything to talk about..
You got to be right with yourself before you can be right with anybody else..
Vegtables, what food eats before it becomes food..
Meaning, not beauty, is what we are after..
God is God, and I'm not..
I just take everything one at a time and make sure everything I do is the best..
You can't find God before an altar if that is the only place you look for him..
You can't control what you can't measure.
'Sugarland Express' was pretty amazing..
If artists do have ideas, they're often not great..
I went to a urologist - he told me I could go at any time..
Leadership comes by the example you set through your work. It begins from the way you are perceived as a worker and the respect that comes with it..