If you believe in yourself you can make yourself whatever you want to be..
. . . the circumference of life cannot be rightly drawn until the center is set..
If we see suffering then we don't have suffering..
You're never going to learn everything..
If you can’t be happy at the prospect of lunch, you are unlikely to be happy about anything.
If I can get a sanitized version of reality, I'll take it..
If you earn a lot of money, you can give away a lot of money..
One truly understands only what one can create..
I work whenever I'm let..
A lot of things are going right. More is going right than wrong, for sure..
Im so not into being emaciated..
Don't let the things you don't have prevent you from using what you do have..
Your voice dries up if you don't use it..
There is no such thing as society..
Not only did I get an A in music but I got an A in ladies..
But I've never looked at myself as being particularly funny..
Don't seek more days in your life but more life in your days..
I love everybody. Even George Bush..
I get criticized for anything I do..
Anything we put on screen has gone through massive changes. That's always part of the process..
Find out what works, and do more of that..