If you squander on a holyday, you will want on a workday unless you have been sparing..
If you aren’t practicing and playing to be first, then maybe you shouldn’t be an entrepreneur..
If you're in a good marriage, you have the sense that it won't be forever..
If you can't live without me, why aren't you dead already?.
If I can't really find a way to live with myself, I can't expect anyone else to live with me..
If fame is to come only after death, I am in no hurry for it..
Scoring 100 points is a lot, but I maybe could have scored 140 if they had played straight-up basketball..
I like to have fun all the time, even if I'm working..
If at first you don't succeed, C4.
If I was in charge, I'd keep doing The Go-Go's forever, but it's a band so everyone has their say..
To be old can be glorious if one has not unlearned how to begin..
If 18,000 gods have been invented then it is likely that god 18,001 is also invented..
You learn nothing if you carry with you a journalistic system of values, which is invented to save reporters from experience..
If you don't do your part, don't blame God..
If nothing else, I have money..
I could have anything I wanted and if I didn't have it, it was because I didn't want it..
I think if you find your passion and you go with it you are rewarded..
If we can't program it, we can't understand it..
What would a Mohammedan vampire do if faced with a cross?.
If you can make nature and technology friends, then you can make everyone friends; you can make everyone intact. That's what women do a lot - they're….
Life passes into pages if it passes into anything..