There is time only to work slowly There is no time not to love.
The whole terrible fight occured in the area of imagination. That is the precise location of our battlefield. It is there, that we experience our vic….
Everything is expressed through RELATIONSHIPS..
Percy yelled. "What's going- Gah! Shrimpzilla!.
When he [Joe Lewis] was asked upon his retirement about his long career, Joe sweetly summed it up in just ten words. 'I did the best I could with wha….
You must base the Wisdom on Love..
Never contradict anybody..
Where there is no inner freedom, there is no life..
I would so like to be Lenny Kravitz..
Nothing can be preserved that is not good..
There is nothing finer than to be alone with nothing to distract you..
I was trained as a straight dramatist..
You've never seen me dance, have you?.
I look back and say, "This must have been somebody else." I am not going to tell you that when I was 4, I dreamed about all of this..
Let's take the work seriously, and not ourselves seriously..
If reality is as equally valuable as fiction, then you should just chalk up the parts of the past you don’t need to your imagination.
The goal is not to speculate on what might happen, but to imagine what you can make happen..
Faith is always about the Future..
To be is to do - Socrates To do is to be - Sartre Do Be Do Be Do - Sinatra.
There were lots of things to stop and see-and then it was time to go, always time to go..
But once you describe something, you destroy it..