Make sure you have legal cover for what you're doing..
Time is what creates trust..
I would really love to work with Clint Eastwood..
I have achieved an inner freedom..
I stray away from formulaic, the formatted..
The worse they are the more they see beauty in each other..
Everyone always says more than they're supposed to..
Everyone is the other and no one is himself..
You fell in love with me?.
You will be excellently executed..
I have never gauged myself against anyone else..
Actors are always going to have a little bit of themselves in everything..
I have seen the future, and it works..
Beauty makes us more like ourselves and more like each other..
You don't question where the music comes from, because it all comes from God..
Get all the education you can then go out and do something - do anything..
We like to have work to do, so as to have the right to rest..
You will invest your life in something, or you will throw it away on nothing..
There is no wisdom but in death.
I hope we have American-topias..
I'm a wild lady. Not..