The best audience is one that is intelligent, well-educated, and a little drunk..
Can you make yourself love? Can you make yourself loved? -Lena Kaligaris.
Sometimes the most intelligent thing is not to do anything, certainly nothing loaded with the imbecility of emotionality..
I liked the place I came from. But a lot of what I liked about it was that I had come from there..
Take what you do seriously, but yourself lightly.
When Cate Blanchett starts directing, it's over for all of us..
Beyond a doubt truth bears the same relation to falsehood as light to darkness..
I heard John Wells say something really smart, many years ago. He said, "Assume your audience is really intelligent. Assume that they are really smar….
Id rather be with Dracula than the Wolfman..
We see a world of abundance, not limits. In the midst of a great deal of talk about reducing the human ecological footprint, we offer a different vis….
I'm intelligent enough to survive happily and be compassionate. If I were too smart, I would realize all the ills of the world..
You must not allow yourself to be advised, cautioned, influenced, persuaded.
First, you have to be intelligent. I have never met a successful director who isn't intelligent. A director who is not intelligent might have one hit….
It is up to us not to bury that potential we have..
Some things just have to be believed to be seen..
RJD was pretty much heavy metal personified, a tiny 5-foot-4-inch sorcerer with a mangy mane, demonic eyes and sly grin, all coupled to a simply huge….
I have wished you something None of the others would..
To me, God is an intelligent, loving, conscious energy and why do I say that? Well you need energy to create. You have to have a source. It's undiffe….
Maybe I am not French, maybe I am from nowhere..
There's so much to learn and so much of it not worth learning.. have some s'plainin' to do. ~Gem.