It's always good to go against your friends, especially when you come out victorious..
You live day by day. You can't build your life..
Nothin' ain't worth nothin' but it's free..
Learning patience takes a lot of patience!.
He who would travel happy must travel lite..
Make my happiness--I will make yours..
Straight ahead you can't go very far..
Where I live, everything is very small..
Jeb Bush is the new John Connelly..
He is praised by some, blamed by others..
It's nobody's business how you do something..
You've got to make sure that you make the best of the day that you're in..
The movies I like are always movies where cinema is reinvented like if it was the beginning of cinema..
Here, or nowhere, is the thing we seek..
Be loved, be admired, be necessary; be somebody..
No one is content with his own lot..
Some things just have to be believed to be seen..
Learned or unlearned we all must be scribbling..
Everyone has something they can't live without..
The new evangelization ... begins in the confessional..
Don't screech like that. You'll wake the dead..