It ain't what you do it's how you do it..
I like to be surprised by life..
As much as you can in your life, say yes..
I'm happy when I'm doing what I do best.
Nothing unattested do I sing..
I am not a ventriloquist..
They see me rollin’, they hatin’.
I'm not a queen of anything, you know..
A success unshared is a failure..
You are richer for doing things..
Amazing uke playing to be relished..
Why aren't you dead?" Will demanded..
With every word, I drop knowledge..
Relationships are now off-kilter..
You're not going to learn how to do it until you do it..
Art history is always changing too..
I'm discriminated against all the time..
There's always something to talk about..
Beauty and wisdom are rarely conjoined..
I was always interested in doing it, but I was so content with my life that I didn't really go after it..
I've always loved improv. It's my thing..