You can't finish the things you weren't supposed to start..
Everyone has a right to rest so as not to injure themselves..
Saying you liked all music meant that you didn't love any..
Now that you have the knowledge of the gospel, you're called to do better..
Ballplayers, like everyone else, like to get told they did something right..
Why could we say more to each other when it counted less?.
It was Nate Monaster who encouraged me to be a writer..
The things we fear about poetry are the things that are good about poetry..
It's true what they say about failure. You don't learn from success..
When you have an economically unequal society, you end up with huge swaths of society that are disposable, basically..
Finally there is nothing here for death to take away..
For me it's always God, family, and then my work..
Courage encourages courage..
The greasier, the better..
I was very much of a tomboy..
I love what I'm doing for a living..
We do what we like, and we like what we do..
To search for the old is to understand the new..
I thought we talked things out!' 'Yes, and you listened very carefully to every word you had to say..
Donald Trump is doing remarkably badly among non-white voters and there are lots of them in Arizona..
I was afraid that my success would be dependent partially upon my body, and it's true I can't be 20 pounds heavier and play the leading lady. But I'm….