I hope we have American-topias..
But a living is not a life..
Life's there to make the most of, and that's what I do..
No one's ever gotten better by practicing less..
I'm a wild lady. Not..
I do voicework all the time..
And suddenly everything, absolutely everything, was there..
The older I get, the older old is..
Everything we do is futile, but we must do it anyway..
I serve society by rocking!.
Anytime you’re on the podium, it’s good..
I am not God but something similar.
The English, the English, The English are best: So Up with the English and Down with the Rest!.
I cannot get close to any you..
I am here wrongfully convicted and wrongfully sentenced..
What appears is good; what is good appears..
We do have the power to save one another....
I'm the only thing I'll ever hold against you..
When I was younger, I really struggled with confidence..
Nothing we did in those days has caused a change." "Because of what we did, things remained as they were, rather than getting worse," I told him..
happy all life for ever.