No man is greatly jealous who is not in some measure guilty..
You have to have something to put your work in otherwise it's not valid.
Daniel held himself very still, waiting for the wave of jealousy that never came. He was furious with the man who’d taken advantage of her innocence,….
Suckas on my jock when I walk down the block, I really don't care if you're jealous or not..
The secret of my success is that no woman has ever been jealous of me..
I realized a long time ago that instead of being jealous you can be inspired and appreciative. It carries more energy to you..
I make movies for money, exclusively for money..
Cultivating relationships with people who've achieved what you want to achieve makes the path fuller and more fun. You don't know everything, and tha….
If you're from Philly and you're listening to this, please know that the rest of the world looks at Philly and they're jealous of your food. I promis….
Unsuccessful people get jealous when they watch the Mastery of others. Successful people get inspired..
Jealous, adj. Unduly concerned about the preservation of that which can be lost only if not worth keeping..
The Spirit of God is jealous over us; He doesn't want superficial fellowship, but genuine intimacy..
Indeed, intolerance is essential only to monotheism; an only God is by nature a jealous God who will not allow another to live. On the other hand, po….
That's right, there's free beer in Irish paradise. Everyone's jealous..
My husband is not a jealous person in any way..
Puffy's the only guy who's jealous. All drummers want to be singers. I think it's a myth that the singer needs to be the focus. Bands perpetuate that….
Being with an insanely jealous person is like being in the room with a dead mammoth..
Yes, I need to be fed but the need to be loved by friends has been as important to me than any lover I've had all my life. This is part of the reason….
I'm so jealous of people who have crushes on people they go to school with, or work with. That's such a blessing. You actually get to see them all th….
It looks as though your shop is doing well," Luka said gazing around, "Could you help me find a gift for a lady friend of mine?" My heart plunged to ….
I think I am a little jealous of women who have great girlfriends as adults..