Poems allow us not only to bear the tally and toll of our transience, but to perceive, within their continually surprising abundance, a path through ….
True kindness presupposes the faculty of imagining as one's own the suffering and joys of others..
You need your ego to survive in the three-dimensional world, but you need only that part of the ego which processes information. The rest - pride, ar….
Christian joy is a gift of God flowing from a good conscience..
Redeemed humanity is still young, it has hardly come to its full strength. But already there is joy enough in the little finger of a great saint such….
The joys of heaven will surely compensate for the sorrows of earth..
It's a joy to work where I live, and come home and sleep in my own bed..
The more you go within, the more you understand your true nature, and the more joy and happiness you feel in your life..
In the end, yoga for me is all about three things: more joy; being able to collect your capacity so you can have more of what you want in real terms;….
Being a good steward of your pain. . . . It involves being alive to your life. It involves taking the risk of being open, of reaching out, of keeping….
Everything I do has to come from a sense of fun and joy..
When Brahms is in extra good spirits, he sings, "The grave is my joy"..
A Christian is never bored or sad. Rather, the one who loves Christ is full of joy and radiates joy..
All is fish that comes to the literary net. Goethe puts his joys and sorrows into poems, I turn my adventures into bread and butter..
Today's circumstances are out of your control but you CAN control your response. Don't let a negative outlook kill your joy today..
Worrying is worthless. When you stop focusing on what has already happened and what may never happen, then you'll be in the present moment. Then you'….
Ain't no haters going to rob me of my joy..
These people are like ... a frog living in a well, who has never seen the outside world. He knows only his well, so he will not believe that there is….
The only joy in his being mine, is that the not mine is mine..
Contentment gives peace and joy in our minds and hearts, which is the reward of living God's way..
I don't call myself a writer..