David Wong is like a mash-up of Douglas Adams and Stephen King . . . ‘page-turner’ is an understatement..
Usually we are saying only part of the truth..
When the money goes bad, everything else goes bad..
I'm loving N.Y., and words can't even describe how happy I am to be here..
To attain to the human form must always be a source of joy. And then to undergo continuous transitions, with only the infinite to look forward to: wh….
Our home joys are the most delightful earth affords, and the joy of parents in their children is the most holy joy of humanity..
There is no joy in the soul that has forgotten what God prizes..
Either the day must come when joy prevails and all the makers of misery are no longer able to infect it, or else, for ever and ever, the makers of mi….
Watchfulness is the path of immortality: Unwatchfulness is the path of death. Those who are watchful never die: Those who do not watch are already….
I tasted freedom and I really liked it..
I just keep making things, and whatever happens, happens..
Your thoughts are making you..
Someone who was a part of my life. Probably the only one that really mattered..
Those who cannot begin do not finish..
I have drunken deep of joy, And I will taste no other wine tonight..
My only joys therefore are that when God has given me a work to do, I have not refused it..
I don't like dudes. Not even for 1 second..
Faith is only as good as the one in whom it's invested..
If somebody says, "Oh, we're going to improvise!," I'm like, Oh, get me out of here..
What we look forward to, and the great promise of the gospel, is that whatever our inclinations are here, whatever our shortcomings are here, whateve….
The things that have been and shall be no more, The things that are, and that hereafter shall be, The things that might have been, and yet were not, ….