It's sad that grandkids show up at the end of obituaries, way behind the list of work place achievements, social clubs and survivors. Why last? If yo….
I had to learn how to change my thinking because I can really get caught up in not liking my body. It can turn into obsession and it can be really ba….
Many people in Western culture are striving for success. They want the home, they want the great business. They want all of these outer things. But w….
Ecstasy cannot be constant, or it would kill..
It would no doubt be very sentimental to argue - but I would argue it nevertheless - that the peculiar combination of joy and sadness in bell music -….
Without prolonged moments of adoration, of prayerful encounter with the word, of sincere conversation with the Lord, our work easily becomes meaningl….
No one understands another's grief, no one understands another's joy... My music is the product of my talent and my misery. And that which I have wri….
Our laughter is always the laughter of a group..
Joy increases as you give it, and diminishes as you try to keep it for yourself..
The fiery force is nothing more than the life force as we know it. It is the flame of desire and love, of sex and beauty, of pleasure and joy as we c….
Had I not spent so much time doing something that made me so miserable, I would have never learned how to appreciate doing what brings me joy..
Joy and sorrow, beauty and deformity, equally pass away..
You can't really get the full joy out of life unless you really go for it. You just have to go into it and stay under some kind of hope or illusion t….
There is no pleasure pure and simple, and some care always comes to mar our joys..
If I have known much trouble in my youth, I have also known much joy..
It's a real joy to be moved by something, but it doesn't happen often to me..
Color is my day-long obsession, joy and torment. To such an extent indeed that one day, finding myself at the deathbed of a woman who had been and st….
I tend to find the ecstasy hidden in ordinary joys, because I did not expect those joys to be ordinary to me..
God is merely tuning the soul, as an instrument, in this life. And these joys of the Christian, are only the notes and chords that are sounded out in….
An old man was asked what had robbed him of joy in his life. His reply was, "Things that never happened.".
The making of money, the accumulation of material power, is not all there is to living...and the man who misses this truth misses the greatest joy an….