I guess I am basically most comfortable when I'm alone. As a kid, I was very much a loner. I love long distance running and long distance biking. A d….
The minute I sit down and think 'Okay, this must be KID SAFE!' my Muse develops Tourrette's and goes to lunch with Clive Barker, and my mind plunges ….
Being confident is the key to life. Don't be afraid to be you! I'm super different from a lot of kids my age with style and personality, and I'm OK w….
I don't have many famous friends, really, except Simon Cowell..
Don't talk to the crazy kids. I longed to shout back that we weren't crazy. I'd mistaken her kid for a ghost, that's all. I wondered whether they had….
My motivation has to do with what happened to my family. I want to help young people make important decisions at the most important time in their lif….
I've personally demanded that tyrants let their people go. I've tried to feed the hungry, clothe the poor, protect the elderly and infirm, and defend….
People of every age group have connected strongly with the story [the March], identifying with different components of it. A sense of fairness and re….
I've never trained anyone that I haven't known as a child. I knew Kirkland when he was 12. Every one of them I started training when they were kids. ….
When I have a cocktail, I love a vodka and cranberry. But when I was a kid my mother was really against drinking, because it was so bad for your skin….
Discourse about motherhood is chillingly narrow-minded. It's a tool the patriarchy uses, of course. So people complain about their kids or they compl….
Polls that have been taken by kindergarten, first- and second-grade teachers indicate that 30 percent of the kids have been deprived in some way so t….
You often hear this about directors, how its like having the best set of toys. This fabulous train set, the biggest box of toys that a kid could poss….
When I was a kid in San Diego, I would read fashion magazines and Interview magazine, and all of that really inspired me to create a persona. So by t….
When I was a kid and the carnival would come to the shopping centre, I'd go down and talk to all the people running the rides. I like that whole life….
I've had a love/hate relationship with performing. I was an attention seeker as a kid, doing all this stupid stuff to get attention in general, but i….
The best Mother's Day gift I ever got was just a full day with the kids where they did their mommy pampering. They cut cucumbers and put them on my e….
Well before I was rapping. I was just a regular kid in school. I just liked to chill my friends and play games and stuff like that. One day at school….
If we don't give kids the opportunity to fail when they're growing up, and to fail productively, to fail creatively, that they're going to get out th….
We need a movement that says in a highly competitive global economy all of our kids who have the ability, the qualifications and the desire, will be ….
When we love all the life we see, we see the love in all life..