There is only one thing Donald Trump is interested in, and that's Donald Trump..
... the place you're in is pretty near what you're fitted to fill. Otherwise you'd get out and fill another..
Your anger is a gift..
Do for yourself, for no one else will..
To the discovered, the discoverer can be a god..
I don't really like ska..
No one is accountable anymore for anything..
Don't anoint me when you can anoint yourself..
Those who love most, see most..
One cannot say everything at once..
I'm not saying I'm God. But as far as lyrics, I'm God MC..
Be bold. You gotta be bold..
I have not been recognized..
Don't immanentize the eschaton!.
Freedom is such a gift..
No such word as can't. No such word as babagoozle neither!.
I always loved movies, but I never thought I would presume to be a screenwriter and definitely not a director..
All you really have... is now..
I don’t predict a nonexisting future..
You learn more in failure than you ever do in success.
The less it is possible that something can be, the more it must be..