A gossip is someone who's the knife of the party..
We boarded the plane after boxing our stakes and knives and taking them to a FedEx carrier, airport security being so strict nowadays. In the section….
The thought of being with Shay Wilder makes me want to gouge my eyes out with a butter knife.
Can you do Division? Divide a loaf by a knife - what's the answer to that?.
I can offer you only: this world like a knife.
Jenks enthusiastically leaned against the counter and opened the box. Bypassing the plastic knife, he broke off about a third of it and took a huge b….
I'm really great with weapons: I did a lot of bo and staff training for 'Immortals.' I love knives. I'm a pretty good shot. But I love hand-to-hand c….
If you want to kill yourself, do not use us as your knife..
Be your own place of safety, she told herself, straightening. No crossbar in the world could protect her from what lay ahead, and neither could a tin….
"She can't do Subtraction." said the White Queen. "Can you do Division? Divide a loaf by a knife-what's the answer to that?" "I suppose-" Alice was b….
If the lambs of the world had been willingly led, they would have long ago saved themselves from the butcher's knife..
And speaking of on board, she'd moved into John's room properly. In his closet, her leathers and her muscles shirts were hanging next to his, and the….
You could stab a knife right through my heart and you'd be too late..
You've been holding a machete waiting to cut your way through and into the place called Future. You have waited and waited and now this knife has gro….
I'm pretty outdoorsy. My family used to live in the hills in the middle of nowhere pretty much. We literally used to have bow and arrows and air rifl….
The critics love to get out their knives and dine on Coverdale. But the worse the criticism gets, the more successful I become..
A knife, it felt like a knife, and I'd discovered that despite everything that's happened, I still had an endless untapped potential for getting hurt..
You can't ever stop thinking something quick enough. Something that hurts always gets the knife in too fast for you to slam a lid on it and shove it ….
If i get 8 hours to cut a tree i'll spend 7 hours to sharp my knife..
You’re not the only one who calls them that; the other Downworlders do the same,” said Will. “I discovered that fact while investigating the symbol. ….
When he takes the knife to the canvass the servants find him lying dead with a knife through is heart and "withered, wrinkled, and loathsome of visag….