First, knife skills. Then, knowing how to control heat. Most important is choosing the right product .. the rest is simple..
Genius sometimes consists of knowing when to stop..
A lot of women don't know how to love because there's deep reasons for them not knowing how to love. And what I mean by deep reasons is deep and dark….
No man's nature is able to know what is best for the social state of man; or, knowing, always able to do what is best..
God is God; you are but one of His creatures. Your only joy is to be found in obeying Him, your true fulfillment is to be found in worshiping Him, yo….
So many times we come to Jesus in worship and ask Him for things that He already IS and has already done... What a concept to come into worship knowi….
I just think that knowing about your body at any age, whether it's educating yourself on fertility, getting mammograms, going through puberty - whate….
The ultimate freedom depends on knowing the ultimate Truth. Truth is not what people say it is, it is what it is. And Truth, quite remarkably, sets o….
Folks don't like to have somebody around knowing more than they do..
Can you go cazy without knowing you're crazy?.
I'm happy not knowing. Most of the time (except when I'm a neurotic mess about uncertainty) I feel glad that the horizon is a mystery..
There is a still place, a gap between the worlds, spoken by the tribal knowings of thousands of years. In it are silent flyings that stand aside from….
It's better to wake up alone knowing that you're alone, than waking up with someone and still be lonely.
I want to make a bet with you.” Her interest perked up. “You do? About what?” Already knowing it wouldn’t go over well, Spencer braced himself. “I be….
Lawyers are shy of meddling with the Law on their own account: knowing it to be an edged tool of uncertain application, very expensive in the working….
Knowing the bright, but clinging to the dark, you become a model to the world..
I admire addicts. In a world where everybody is waiting for some blind, random disaster or some sudden disease, the addict has the comfort of knowing….
Sometimes the characters develop almost without your knowing it. You find them doing things you hadn't planned on, and then I have to go back to page….
We are special in the sense that we can know our place in the cosmos. We can know our place in space. We are at least one of the cosmos's ways of kno….
I love myself, therefore I love totally in the now, experiencing each moment as good and knowing that my future is bright, and joyous and secure, for….
Although it is embarrassing and painful, it is very healing to stop hiding from yourself. It is healing to know all the ways that you’re sneaky, all ….