Shall we then judge a country by the majority, or by the minority? By the minority, surely. 'Tis pedantry to estimate nations by the census, or by sq….
If you aim at a Scottish presbytery, it agreeth as well with monarchy, as God and the devil. ... No bishop, no King! I will make them conform themsel….
I stepped on a land mine named Jayson Blair..
The other classes of which society was composed were, first, freemen, owners of small portions of land, independent, though they sometimes voluntaril….
If we do not change our negative habits toward climate change, we can count on worldwide disruptions in food production, resulting in mass migration,….
How did the land of Jefferson, how did the land of King, become the land of hamburgers and raisins that can sing? Roosevelt was cripple, Lincoln was ….
Some people will always ground themselves very strongly in a piece of soil, a grandmother's property, a tiny plot of land, and that's great. But in t….
Faith is agreeing with God and saying what He says about you..
American foreign policy and military might have opened an opportunity for the Gospel in the land of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob..
And in the afternoon they entered a land - but such a land! A land hung in mourning, darkened by gigantic cypresses, submerged; a land of reptiles, s….
Viewed from a certain distance and under good light, even an ugly city can look like the promised land..
After the countrywide victory of the Chinese revolution and the solution of the land problem, two basic contradictions will still exist in China. The….
Conservation is ethically sound. It is rooted in our love of the land, our respect for the rights of others, our devotion to the rule of law..
The kind of pace that you want to use in a Western - just to acknowledge the land in the distance that everyone has to travel, and the way things dev….
It’s hard to land a devastating jab/cross/hook/uppercut combo to your reader’s imagination when you’re telegraphing your punches..
You forget that the fruits belong to all and that the land belongs to no one..
I would like to quote a very prejudicial doctrine that was handed down by the Supreme Court in 1823. It said that the Indian Nations do not have titl….
Donald Trump is temperamentally unfit..
I'm surprised there aren't more celebrities in burkhas..
Kelly Link's prose is conveyed in details so startling and fine that you work up a sweat just waiting for the next sentence to land. This is why we r….
The US and Israel have demanded further that Palestinians not only recognize Israel's rights as a state in the international system, but that they al….