My lord, lawyers are a dangerous species of animals till ha'e any dependence upon--they are always starting punctilios and deeficulties among friends….
There is scarce a king in a hundred who would not, if he could, follow the example of Pharoah - get first all the people's money, then all their land….
The holy land was supposed to be spotless, a serious equivalent of Disneyland in which not a single candy wrapper is to stay on the ground for more t….
As elected leaders, we must each recommit ourselves to work together toward putting our country on a prosperous, sustainable path and restoring Ameri….
For me, the promised land, always seeming just beyond my reach, is the poetic masterpiece, that perfect union of words in cadence, each beckoned and ….
England, a happy land we know, Where follies naturally grow, Where without culture they arise, And tow'r above the common size..
There are no more new worlds. The unoccupied arable lands of the earth are limited, and will soon be taken..
Israel is the very embodiment of Jewish continuity: It is the only nation on earth that inhabits the same land, bears the same name, speaks the same ….
Most historians accept that Egypt was a cradle of civilization, and that many cultural idioms and traditions come from there. What has yet to be unde….
Patriotism which has the quality of intoxication is a danger not only to its native land but to the world, and "My country never wrong" is an even mo….
I begin with the basic conviction that Jews and Arabs can live together. I have repeated that at every opportunity, not for journalists and not for p….
I wonder if it is Australia's great distance from more populated land masses that allows its inhabitants to be left to their own devices, to be incre….
I want everyone out there in TV land to touch the TV. Touch the back of the TV and get a shock for Jesus..
On board ship there are many sources of joy of which the land knows nothing. You may flirt and dance at sixty; and if you are awkward in the turn of ….
Generations hence, parents will take their children to these woods to show them how the land must have looked to the first Pilgrims and pioneers. And….
I wish I was in de land ob cotton, Ole times dar am not forgotten, Look-a-way! Look-a-way! Look-a-way, Dixie Land! * * * * * Den I wish I was in ….
For my part, I would rather look toward Rutland than Jerusalem. Rutland,--modern town,--land of ruts,--trivial and worn,--not toosacred,--with no hol….
They say that the truth will set you free But then again, so will a lie... It depends if you're trying to get to the promised land Or if you're just ….
One would expect that private property taken by eminent domain would become land available for public use such as parks and roads. Unfortunately, thi….
And in that Heaven of all their wish, there shall be no more land, say fish.
Hebrews 3:19 tells us why the children of Israel did not enter into the promised land. Their problem was the same thing that keeps children of God to….